Vision Functions–Work Order Code Management


Work Order Code Management Tab

A Work Order signifies a Post associated with a specific Division, Customer and Location.  This function allows a Company Administrator to edit these parameters for a particular Work Order, and generate work orders for new posts.  The user can also resolve situations where Positions are associated with deleted work orders or work orders are associated with deleted Positions.

Editing Work Orders

Selecting a Division, Customer and Location from the related drop-down boxes displays all related Work Orders.


When there is a large number of work orders, the search button may be used to apply filters to maximize the desired results:


Each search field contains a list of available filters – click next to the desired field to display the related filter.


Select the desired filter and enter the criteria for the related field:


Generate Work Orders

Click to generate work orders for new posts – the system displays "Work Orders Generated" after completion:

Remove Work Orders

Click to delete work orders for inactive posts – the system displays "Work Orders Removed" after completion.


  • If a Work Order is deleted and the user subsequently punches using the deleted work order, the punch appears in the Exceptions tab of Clock Records.

  • If a Work Order is deleted and the user subsequently punches using the deleted work order, and then a new work order is assigned to the same Post, the punch appears in Clock Records and updates the Vision schedule.

  • If a Work Order is deleted and the user replays punches, an appropriate message is displayed.  The message warns the user that there are missing work orders or inactive work orders that may prevent punches from reaching VISION.